Select your ticket(s). If you have any questions, please contact us.
Ticket Name
Total %
King Pin Sponsor
Only one sponsor available: Large logo on event specific advertising 1 bowling team Large logo recognition at the event Announcements during the event
Sold Out
Spare Sock Sponsor
Only one sponsor available: Small logo on event specific advertising 1 bowling team Logo on socks or sock packaging Announcements during the event
Pin Pizza & Bowling Brews
Only one sponsor available: Business branding on bar and food table Small logo on event specific advertising 1 bowling team Announcements during the event
Strike Sponsor
Small logo on event specific advertising 1 bowling team Annocements during the event
Lane Sponsor
Name on event specific advertising Sign on lane during the event
Team Registration
5 person bowling team Includes shoe rentals, pizza & soft drinks, 2 alcohol drink tickets per player